In the insidious consequences of prostatitis in men. Therefore, timely therapy of the disease is very important, it prevents the transition to chronic form and prevents the negative consequences, including erectile dysfunction and fertilization difficulties.

Characteristics of the therapeutic effect
There are special physiotherapeutic agents for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma. They have a positive effect on the body, eliminate the advanced form of the disease, prevent the aggravation of chronic pathology, prolong the period of remission. Today, a large number of devices are used to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma that can be used both in specialized clinics and at home. According to many patients who have tried the effects of such devices, relief is felt after the first session, and swelling and other clinical manifestations are reduced.
In order for the devices to produce the desired effect, it is necessary for the treating physician to select them, depending on the diagnosis and the condition of the patient, the severity of the symptoms, and the neglect of the disease.
Each device has instructions for use that say there are certain contraindications:
- In the event of an acute inflammatory process or exacerbation of a chronic disease, physiotherapy procedures are not permitted. Such sessions shall be performed only after the acute inflammatory process has been stopped;
- With the development of prostate tuberculosis;
- If a tumor-like process is diagnosed in organs of the reproductive system or in the rectal area;
- If the hemorrhoids are in an acute stage.
Each device for prostatitis has its own characteristics of use.
Application of vibroacoustic devices
They are suitable for the treatment of prostatitis at home. Thereafter, the severity of the inflammatory process is significantly reduced. What are the characteristics of therapy?
These medical devices affect the prostate, change it, and activate microvibration through exposure to sound frequencies. Such vibrational flows help reduce muscle tone in prostate tissues, eliminating congestion, increasing blood and lymph fluid microcirculation in the inflamed organ.

The main purpose of these devices is to reduce the resistance of blood vessel walls to blood flow, to relax the muscles of the organ, the active microcapillary blood supply and the outflow of lymph fluid. With these devices, the painful feelings disappear, the effect is noted by the doctor after several procedures. The therapeutic effect occurs quickly after a few sessions. With such devices, it is possible to perform a therapeutic effect in a physiotherapy room on an outpatient basis.
Vibroacoustic devices are well established in the treatment of pathological processes in the urinary tract. The treatment gives a quick result in a short time.
Use of magnetic devices
It is also advisable to use magnetic waves to cure pathological processes. With such tools, therapy becomes more effective. The purpose of the devices is to provide small pulses. The diseases can also be treated in special clinics and at home. The devices have the potential to eliminate chronic inflammatory reactions, reduce the severity of painful sensations, and improve gonadal function.
Vacuum magnetic devices have an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce painful syndrome.
The devices help activate natural processes in the male body, help restore normal microcirculation of blood fluid in the pelvic organs, increase the flexibility of blood vessel walls, and improve metabolism at the cellular level. The devices also eliminate congestion, thereby reducing the severity of the inflammatory process. According to many patients who have experienced the effects of the devices on themselves, the condition is relieved after three treatments.
The devices are also used for the pharmacological treatment of inflammation of chronic genital tissues, bacterial prostatitis and other diseases. After use, the microcirculation of blood and lymph fluid improves and stagnation ceases.
Use of electrical medical devices
They are acted upon by electrical impulses. Rectal administration. The devices promote blood circulation and the outflow of stagnant water, and are particularly effective in the treatment of pathologies of chronic origin. In addition, they activate the rapid regeneration function of damaged structures and tissues.
The devices activate metabolism at the cellular level, increasing the rate of recovery of affected structures. Such therapy should not be performed on an outpatient basis unless under medical supervision. Such devices should not be used by patients with impaired cardiac function if there are implanted or external pacemakers.
There are devices for prostatitis that create normal blood circulation in the organs of the reproductive system, increase metabolism, and due to the increased flow of blood fluid, reactions are activated to combat infectious processes in all organs of the male reproductive system.

The devices also help eliminate stagnation of lymph and blood fluid.
In the insidious consequences of prostatitis in men. Therefore, timely therapy of the disease is very important, it prevents the transition to chronic form and prevents the negative consequences, including erectile dysfunction and fertilization difficulties.
In addition to conservative therapy, devices for the treatment of prostatitis are considered an effective tool. The devices have a positive effect in the presence of a pathological process in acute, chronic form, used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the recurrence of the disease.